We ship to almost all locations in India where there is reach of the Indian Postal Network. When you place an order, the estimated shipping/dispatch and delivery time will be specified based on the item’s availability, your delivery location, and coverage by our empanelled couriers. Generally, the dispatch timeline falls under the below categories:

In Stock

All the items will mention the approximate shipping time. Please allow 24-48 hours for processing, as we do not ship out on weekends or holidays. You can expect the delivery within 5-7 Business days (In areas where standard courier service is available).

Out of stock:

These items are currently out of stock. We accept email IDs and will intimate you once the things are back in stock.


The stock of these products is expected shortly (usually within 2-3 weeks). We accept email IDs and will intimate you once the products are ready to be shipped for you to place your order(s).

Some order items may attract Handling Charges, which are payable extra. Handling Charges, when applicable, are mentioned on the Product Specifications page. Handling Charges are applied wherever the item’s volumetric weight is more and the item needs special packing & shipping care. Few remote locations need extra payment beyond this for Bulk Orders (e.g. North East, Andaman Island etc.).

For other areas, the order will be sent by registered post through The Indian Postal Service, which may take one to two weeks, depending on the location.

Our courier:

India Postal Service, DTDC, Bludart, Delhivery, Ekart, and Maruti Courier

Known national courier companies service major destinations and deliveries usually take 3-5 days. You can track the status and location of your parcel after dispatch on the respective courier’s website using the parcel’s tracking code. Remote areas where there is no coverage by our empanelled couriers get serviced through India Post, a Government of India undertaking. Delivery through India Post usually takes longer and could extend to more than two weeks for some locations and in rare situations.

Kindly be patient – inform us if there is an inordinate delay, and we will follow up with India Post.

If you have any questions regarding shipping, feel free to call us at +91-9717-513-706 or e-mail us at sales@bookstheka.in, and we would be happy to help.